Crazy to the Side

Update on the Happy Meal, the post and the thing itself. The toy that came with it has been getting some action sitting on the counter. The basketball is hard plastic and bounces surprisingly well off the counter and floor. The plastic has a small seam in it that when it hits every so often sends the bounce crazy to the side. The action makes the shot on the Elmer Fudd hoop difficult to make at any distance beyond point blank. I’ve got a little scoring system for Elmer Fudd hoops:

If you make the shot and his hat flies off, that’s three points. If you make the shot and his hat doesn’t fly off or not all the way off, that’s two. If his hat flies off but the shot doesn’t go in, that’s one point. Bonus scoring play, if you make the shot, his hat flies off and the hat goes through the hoop, all the way through, that’s four point. First one to ten, but not sudden death, the other player still gets a chance to tie or win.

The movie looks terrible by the way. LeBron has been entertaining as hell to watch play basketball over his career. His awkward, sometimes disastrous media interactions (taking my talents to South Beach!) have also been entertaining, but not for reasons that translate well to the big screen. The dude is just sort of wooden and laconic (shout out to clone nation). Not at all like Jordan, who was good looking and super smooth. The outtakes from the Space Jam pickup games that were in the Jordan doc are great. The movie itself is okay. It starts with Jordan playing baseball, and that was real!

I don’t want to see the new one, but with the kids it could prove tricky to avoid. I will try! But I cannot say for sure that Space Jam: A New Legacy will not be the topic of a future XulaDad.

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